To see the entire window click the fullscreen button!

Play on Google Chrome for the best performance experience. Other browsers may experience more lag than usual


  • W, A, S, D:  Move Camera
  • Q, E: Rotate Camera
  • Z, X: Rotate Object In Hand
  • Right Mouse Button: Pan
  • Middle Mouse Button: Zoom In/Out

Build is how you place objects

Land allows you to purchase more building areas

Delete allows you to delete objects

Game goal: 

Grow your graveyard, satisfy ghostly customers, and collect soul coins to become the ultimate afterlife entrepreneur in GhostTycoon as you progress through the game and uncover hidden notes that reveal the secrets of the ghostly yard. Can you find all the notes to learn the full story of GhostTycoon

How to Play:

1.  Buy land to build on

2. Click Build to open the build menu

2. Each building costs soul coins, earned when ghosts enter the cemetery.

3. Ghosts are lured based on the attraction level; they have requisite attraction levels to pay the entrance fee.

4. Build gravestones to increase worker population; note, that workers deplete soul coins over time.

5. Monitor your stats on the UI: Worker population, Ghost population, Attraction level, Entry Fee, Time, and Soul coins


Lead Game Programmer & Level Designer: Chris

Lead Visual Designer: Hazel

Game jam submission

Please note that GhostTycoon is currently missing many features due to time and scope constraints. Additionally, because of performance issues, the game had to be downscaled to a sandbox-style gameplay experience.

Want to reach out to us? 

Discord: - A place where creators in art, music, programming, and game developers come together to share, learn, and grow.

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